Why is Alignment so Important?
Why is Alignment so Important?
One of the most common mistakes I see amateur golfers making is practicing without a target. Many adjust their alignment after each shot to try to get the ball going where they want. You want to consistently and accurately line up for the shot you're trying to hit. Picture what you want to happen and set up in a way that gives you the best chance for success.
One key to getting better is having a clear picture of the shot you want to hit. Where do you want the ball to start? How do you want the ball to curve? Once you have a picture of what you want, learn to set up consistently for your desired ball flight. Create practice stations that give you confidence that you're aimed where you want, allowing you to learn from each shot that you hit.
What comes first, sound mechanics, or proper alignment? Imagine shooting a free throw or throwing a ball and setting your body 10 yards right or left of the target. What kind of shooting forms and throwing motions would be created to get the ball going where you want? It's the same thing for golf. If you're not set up and aware of where you want to go, it will be tougher to create a good swing. Set up for the shot you want to hit and then work on your swing.
In the next video, I'll teach you how to set up consistently and accurately, just like the best golfer's of all time do.
I'm here to help, so don't hesitate to ask questions. I look forward to helping you improve your game.