Frequently Asked Questions About Alignment Made Easy
Q. Why is the club face so important?
A. Doppler radar golf ball tracking technology like Flightscope and Trackman have discovered that the club face, not the club path, is responsible for the initial starting direction of the golf ball. The driver face angel at impact is 85% responsible for the starting direction, an iron face is 75%. While not a ball flight law, the putter face angle at impact is 90% responsible for the starting direction of the putt.
Q. How do I hit a draw with AME?
A. Aim the red target line rod where you want the ball to start. The club face is responsible for the starting direction so you need to point the red rod right of your end target so when it draws it ends up landing where you want. Move the ball position a little back in your stance and set your feet, hips, and shoulders to the right of your club face to get the club path traveling to the right of the club face to create a draw.
Q. How do I hit a fade with AME?
A. Aim the red target line rod where you want the ball to start. The club face is responsible for the starting direction so you need to point the red rod left of your end target so when it fades it ends up landing where you want. Move the ball position a little up in your stance and set your feet, hips, and shoulders to the left of your club face to get the club path traveling to the left of the club face to create a fade.
Q. When I putt, do I want my eyes over the ball or slightly inside of the ball?
A. The best putters in the world have their eyes directly over the ball or slightly inside the ball. The key is to develop a consistent set up that allows you to make a stroke that rolls the ball end over end. If you are putting a good roll on the ball then all you need to do is read the putt right.
Q. Does AME work for left handed golfers?
A. Yes it works for lefties! You just have to turn the main base upside down when you set it up.
Q. Does AME fit in a golf bag?
A. Yes, AME was designed to be lightweight and compact. AME weighs just under 2lbs. so you can always have it with you when you practice or warm up for a round.
Q. What is the small red level for?
A. When you practice your putting you want the club face guide and stand to be level. If the club face guide is on an angle your eyes won't be directly over the ball when you only see black.
Q. Why are their multiple slots for the club face guide on the stand?
A. The slots on the stand are to put the club face guide at different heights. If you have a center shafted putter, you may need to put the guide higher so the shaft doesn't hit the guide.